Our lovely top model James is demonstrating the Corona that we foolishly drank out of in a random resturaunt which we went into only to use the bathroom.

Nick is now drinking from the random Corona bottle that thankfully had no roofies in it. As James predicted it was quite the random night. Danielle, Nicole, James, Shamar, Nick and I all dressed in black, I'm not sure why, but Nick told us to so we complied. We were quite the popular group too, we made friends of all ages and nationalities. A charming older gay fellow cracked my back outside the bar, proceeded to hit on James (when he kissed James hand, James' comment "oh nice ring, is that with your partner?... thats nice..."). We met a Russian and an Australian from Disney on Ice! Everyone was happy to bring Danielle to her first gay bar, I'm sure she was impressed with the experience. I would love to go back to that bar, but I feel like it will never be as fun as that first time. It was such a random coming together of so many different people, it was such a crazy night, and a good way to send off the first semester of senior year.

Thats a picture I just took of my Bailey boo. We were finally reunited! He's soooo cute!!! We put up our Christmas tree today so I'm sure there are going to be a bunch of pictures of him sleeping underneath the tree. He is totally going to win on http://www.kittenwar.com !