Right now I'm listening to Janis. If you haven't ever really listened to her stuff, you should download/itunes/buy her song Ball and Chain. Its a live recording, actually i dont think there is a studio version, but anyway, its a live recording of her singing this great lady blues song. Shes screaming in pain as she puts down these lyrics about how love is a ball and chain. The unique thing about her singing is that she has this great throaty voice and is able to sing a song as if she is making it up on the spot. Which makes it really hard for anyone to do her songs, because after hearing it the way Janis sings it, its hard to make the song sound original.
And a small salute to Dan DeVece with the best away message ever:
Auto response from wonderfulmfer: to you the underage college student...to those who will leave a bar just to buy you your goods...to those who will go out with a broken foot...to those who will ditch their friends from high school to be with the one they "heart"...to meeting his roommate after their long ass drive...we salute you siobhan and jess for all you have done...:-D
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