Friday, November 17, 2006

Gawking and Stalking

so I never really went on this website before, but the people from have this section of their website that is called the "Gawker Stalker" and its for NYC celebrity sightings. George Clooney actually had his "people" write into the site with fake sightings so people wouldn't use the site. I guess its supposed to be like, "If you want to see Sarah Jessica Parker, go to blah blah blah..." But I dont know who would really do that (yes, even I wouldn't do that) besides the paparazzi. My favorite part is how people always comment on their skin and height. Like, "saw Brooke Sheilds at a toy store, very tall, nice skin, smiled alot." I think its funny those are the only qualities people care to mention. They don't even comment on what they're wearing that much. Oh and how skinny they are too.

Maybe I'll put in stuff about me and make myself into a celebrity, "Saw Siobhan O'Brien walking on 5th avenue, short, very pale and was talking on her cell phone." "Caught a glimpse of Siobhan O'Brien at Fenwicks, very drunk, very annoying..."

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